European Commission
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The Commission's Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) is responsible for designing European international cooperation and development policy and delivering aid throughout the world.

DG DEVCO is in charge of development cooperation policy in a wider framework of international cooperation, adapting to the evolving needs of partner countries. This encompasses cooperation with developing countries at different stages of development, including with countries graduated from bilateral development assistance to cover the specific needs of these countries during the transition period between low income countries and upper middle income countries. DG DEVCO works closely with other Commission services responsible for thematic policies, as well as with the European External Action Service and Commission services on external action, so as to facilitate and help ensure a consistent approach.

DG DEVCO is responsible for formulating European Union development policy and thematic policies in order to reduce poverty in the world, to ensure sustainable economic, social and environmental development and to promote democracy, the rule of law, good governance and the respect of human rights, notably through external aid. We foster coordination between the European Union and its Member States in the area of development cooperation and ensure the external representation of the European Union in this field.

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